Meet Your Dragon
Discover the primal power and ancient wisdom of the dragon to
access a self-directed life with Purpose.
A Free Live
Online Training For Women
with Karin Green
Please visit Upcoming Events page for Next program dates
The resistance that blocks our creativity, impedes, and sabotages our dreams – this very resistance is the call of The Dragon! Come and Meet Your Dragon in this live, free training to discover your journey in facing, navigating and challenging the resistance in your life.
is the
The Dragon is one of our oldest archetypes and an original image of the divine life force. The Dragon is the sovereign of the integrated physical body, the emotional life and the soul in all its complexity. In all its greatness, the dragon asks you to live your greater purpose. When you feel resistance to take action, or fear of being judged, or when you’re thinking small…the dragon is present…challenging you. The Dragon transforms your deepest fears into trust in the creation of your life purpose.
In this FREE live, online training, come and meet your Dragon and discover your journey in facing resistance.. When honored, the Dragon gifts you with the energy and clarity to create a self-directed life with purpose.
Do you ever feel resistance that blocks your creativity?
Or impedes and sabotages your dreams?
Do you have limiting beliefs, behaviours, and patterns that continually hold you back from living the life you want?
The 3 essential keys to live with Energy, Agency and Audacity.
Join the Dragon journey to find the path you
were meant to be on all along.
Please visit Upcoming Events page for Next program dates
In this free LIVE training, you’ll learn these 3 essential keys to live with energy (access to your life force), agency (be at choice) and audacity (the courage to take risks):

Get clarity on what drains your life force energy - and learn how to reclaim it!

Discover how you can access your courage and live audaciously!

The Dragon wants you to act powerfully when you meet resistance. You’ll discover what it is to be the agent in your life.
The Dragon wants you to act powerfully when you meet resistance. You’ll discover what it is to be the agent in your life.
Before we can face or ride the Dragon,
we need to MEET the Dragon first.
In this 90 minute training we will answer the following questions:

WHAT is the Dragon?
WHO is the Dragon?
WHY should I care?
HOW can the Dragon help me?
By the end of this unique training, you will know how to access the archetype of the Dragon.
You’ll also have had the opportunity to meet your Dragon and get clarity on what’s possible for you.
FREE Online Training
Meet Your Guide

Karin Green
Karin Green is the Founder of “Shadow Wisdom” and co-founder of “The Dragon Training.” She is a Certified Shadow Work Trainer, Coach and Facilitator, as well as a Master Practitioner and trainer of NLP (NeuroLingusitic Programming). Karin has facilitated empowerment and transformations for the last 12+ years, both with her individual coaching clients and through group seminars. More about Karin at:
A Special Invitation from Karin
I’m so excited to share my experience of the dragon with you. I have been working with the archetypal energies for many years now, facilitating intensive retreats and in-person workshops. During this challenging and unprecedented time, the dragon has made it clear that it’s time to bring this transformational work into an online space so it can reach more women. I am looking forward to bringing the archetypal wisdom of the dragon to you in this free, online training. Through my journey with the dragon, she has brought me so much new founded energy and transformation to my life.
Through the work I’ve done with the dragon, I know that if I don’t set my sight high, I won’t ever be able to move out of my small comfortable space…that by putting a stake in the ground, and saying what I want, I get to face and transform my own shadows and the direction of my life. I now feel aligned with my direction and my choices.
I want to invite you to learn to access the power of the archetype of the dragon so you can feel the same way too. I’ve spent 7 years delivering our in person Dragon Training, with my co-founder David Karr and I am now ready to offer the training for women and those of you who identify as a woman. Come join me!

Meet Your Dragon
Access the audacity to live a self-directed life with Purpose
A Free Live Online Training with Karin Green
Please visit Upcoming Events page for Next program dates
(This live training will be held virtually on Zoom. If you can’t make the live training, register anyway and we will send you the recording.)