Ride Your Dragon

Now that you have met and faced your Dragon, come Ride Your Dragon with us!

We are really pleased to be offering a 4 month Ride Your Dragon Training.

This training will be for a smaller group and over a longer time to give each one of you more time for deeper transformation.

This 4-month program will take the technology we use in the 4-day intensive training we did before Covid, and bring it to an online format.

We actually believe that this might be more powerful training than the in-person intensive we did, since it will allow us to guide you over a longer period of time.

We are capping this training to 6 people, who are looking to dive deep into creating a life of Agency, Audacity, and Energy.

This training is not for everyone, this is an advanced training, and will require your commitment.

But if you are ready to be the agent of your life, to step into living your big dream audaciously, if you are ready to ride your dragon, then this is for you and we would love to see you join us.

In this course you will take on one “big thing” that has the potential to change your life.

You will also commit to establish a daily spiritual practice.

We will show you how to create your own support system and how to make riding your dragon a permanent part of your life, and not just a great experience you once had.

The next program start date to be determined

Investment: $ if paid in full or 5 monthly payments of $.

And we are offering you an early bird special if you register before date.
Which is: $ if paid in full or 5 monthly payments of $

You can add a 1:1 coaching sessions to get some extra help to break though any resistance or fear that will show up at any time during the 4 months Karin or David, to give you an opportunity do some more personal transformational work or shadow work (inquire)

To register to Ride Your Dragon, here is our process.


Fill out the application form – this is not a course you can just click to buy, we want to make sure you are ready for this commitment before we will accept your money.


Schedule a 30 min call with Karin or David, we will send you a link to schedule this call with us after we receive your application (just give us a few days).


Submit your payment with the link that we will give you

Schedule a 15 min call with Karin or Dvid if you have any questions:

Based on the evolving dragon training, the Ride Your Dragon will have a variety of tried and true best practices to give you Agency. They are designed to develop new habits which allow us to manifest our life purpose from today right up to THAT day!

Here is some of what we will cover

We will explore what you can do when you have a vision, and you are moving towards that vision and you get to a screeching halt. What to do when you come up against that shadow that blocks you from moving forward.

We will learn about and practice some of the Shadow Work tools like:

  • How to set powerful and compelling goals and stick to them.
  • Using the Dragon’s triad technology to create a solid support network
  • Continue to practice and evolve the What’s at Risk – a powerful tool to access and transform the limiting belief that you took on at some point in your childhood and still abide by
  • Deepening your connection to The Switch – how to change your experience in the moment, how to access the way of being or the energy you need to move forward
  • Learn how to call on the archetypal energies at will and access them in your daily life.
  • Clean Talk – clean talk is not only useful when you are communicating with someone, it is also a powerful tool to get clarity on what is going on inside of you, to get clarity on what is getting in your way.
  • Mental and Emotional Release (MER) ~ how to release the negative effect of unresolved and unreleased emotions. Anchor in the learning and release the emotion in a powerful and transformative way.
  • How to rewrite your story in the moment
  • Understanding your Shadow Type and how to access more of who you are
  • Forgiveness practice.